Scandit Express
About Scandit Express
Configuration of Scandit Express
- How do I scan barcodes?
- How do I find items: Find mode, powered by MatrixScan Find
- How does Inventory Count in Scandit Express work?
- How can I configure barcode scanning in Scandit Express?
- How is an updated configuration distributed to the devices?
- How can I set up Scandit Express to inject additional keystrokes?
Getting Started with Scandit Express
Common Issues
Rollout of Scandit Express
Keyboard Wedge
- How are Scandit Express and Keyboard Wedge related?
- Windows: First launch of Keyboard Wedge fails with installer error
- Windows: Keyboard Wedge doesn't open or shows "Unable to load DLL" error
- How can I configure what barcodes are recognized?
- How can I setup the wedge to inject additional keystrokes?
- How can I transform and parse the scanned data?