
Can I modify the keyboard (languages and size)?

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Yes, you can use different keyboard languages and sizes so that users can keep using it as their personal keyboard. To do that, the desired keyboard size can be set through Scandit Express UI but the languages need to be set up in the configuration.

To change the keyboard size:

  1. Select the desired size from the “Keyboard Settings” option on the Scandit Express application. Here’s how it looks like in iOS (very similar to Android). 

To change the keyboard language:

This functionality will also be available in the settings soon. In the meantime, follow the instructions below or send us an email to if you have any questions.

  1. First, check this link, where you can see all available languages and their code.
  2. Login to
  3. Add this script to your configuration inside the "wedge" object and adapt the “locale” and “layout” fields to the languages you want the user to see:

"userLanguages": [


        "locale": "ar-EG",

        "layout": "Arabic"



        "locale": "en-US",

        "layout": "QWERTY"



  1. Now the user will be able to access these languages through their keyboard using the spacebar gesture for switching between them. To do this you can touch and hold the space bar and swipe left or right to navigate between enabled languages.
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