
How can I configure barcode scanning in Scandit Express?

Note: If you are having issues configuring Scandit Express,  please reach out to

This article gives you guidance on the configuration of Scandit Express. The configuration for each project is accessible via the dashboard in the form of JSON text. The JSON editor allows you to browse different keys of the JSON configuration but expands or collapses the different elements. You are generally not required to add or remove any elements, but just change their values.

If you want to edit the JSON as text you can switch to “Code” as shown in the screenshot. In this mode, you have to make sure that the syntax of the JSON is correct. 

Below we describe how to adjust the different available JSON keys. Some features are flagged as “advanced”, and are generally only activated by our support team at, who are happy to assist you to set up the right configuration for you.

Before getting started

Please make sure that after changing the configuration:

  • Press “Save Configuration” at the bottom of the dashboard. 
  • Then refresh the project configuration in your Scandit Express app, by going into the login screen (top right person icon) and pressing “Refresh Project”.
  • Make sure that your Scandit Express app is activated on the project you are currently working on. If not, use “Switch Project” and scan the project code to activate your app on the current project.

Note that we have reduced the number of options available via the dashboard configuration - compared to our older keyboard wedge product - and optimized the UI of the application accordingly. This makes sure that the experience of the end-user is not negatively impacted by incorrect settings.

We have chosen the defaults to guarantee the best end-user experience and therefore recommend being conservative in adjusting them. 

All settings of the scanning features accessible via the keyboard and “Scan from CSV” are under the key wedge.


Remember that after any configuration, you must reload the configuration on the devices.

Scandit Express can also be rolled out through MDM/EMM systems. In this case, any update in the configuration can be done within the system. Find out more here.


Configure the Barcode Symbologies

Under symbologies, you can configure which symbologies can be scanned and set specific parameters for each symbology. Each symbology has its own settings. For e.g. the EAN13 and UPCA symbology you find the following element:


"ean13Upca": {

        "enabled": true,

        "colorInvertedEnabled": false,

        "checksums": []


Here are the keys that are available for each symbology:

Keys Values Description
enabled true, false Enable or disable the scanning of this symbology by changing “enabled” 
colorInvertedEnabled true, false Enable the scanning of color inverted (white on black) barcodes by changing “colorInvertedEnabled”.
checksums [] This is an advanced feature, please reach out to

Configure the User Experience During Scanning

Below the symbologies key, you can set the following values to change the options for the user during scanning.

Keys Values Description
beepIsEnabled true, false Set if a beep is played when a barcode is scanned.
torchButtonAvailable true, false Disable the torch button on the scanning screen by setting it to false.
cameraSwitchButtonAvailable true, false Disable the camera switch button, that allows the user to switch to the front facing camera by setting it to false.


Configure how barcodes are returned

Validating other barcodes

Barcodes can be validated by a regex expression. Barcodes that do not pass this validation are rejected and not scanned. We are using the following Regex Specification:

You can try out and test your regular expressions at 

Keys Values Description
barcodeRegexValidation Regex expression Define a regex expression that matches the scanned barcode to validate it. All barcodes that do not match are rejected.



Try this at

As you can see the expression "^S[0-9]+$" matches all serial numbers starting with “S” followed by numbers only. Here this matches the first and the last test samples.

Learn more about regular expressions at

Inserting characters after and in between barcodes 

Single barcodes are scanned and returned if the user has not enabled list mode (bottom left of the scanning screen). After a single barcode, a character can be appended using 


Keys Values Description
appendKeyPress “null”, “enter”, “tab”, “\n”

Set to “enter” or “tab” to send a enter or tab keystroke after the barcode.

Note that on Android, “enter” and “\n” (newline) can behave slightly differently in several applications. In most cases they are the same.

A list of barcodes is scanned and returned, if the user has enabled list mode (bottom left of the scanning screen. 

Keys Values Description
listBuildingSeparator “\n”,”\t”, “,”, “;”

Set the character that separates multiple barcodes. Any other alphanumeric character will work too.

“\n” is a newline

“\t” is a tab



The following barcodes are scanned: “28419”, “69385”, “20358” with the following settings



"listBuildingSeparator”: "\n",  

"appendKeyPress": "enter",


This returns: 



20358(enter key press)

With the following settings

"listBuildingSeparator”: ",",  

"appendKeyPress": "enter",

This returns: 28419,69385,20358(enter key press)

The ability to enable list mode can be restricted through the configuration

Keys Values Description
listBuildingIsEnabled true, false Disable list building mode in the scan screen by setting to false. When disabled, the scanner only scans single barcodes and returns them.

Transforming Barcodes

Barcodes can be transformed, by removing parts at the front at the back, or via regex expressions. Our barcode transformations can also be applied selectively to certain symbologies and not to others, or barcodes that match certain patterns. 

Since this configuration is advanced, please reach out to for help.

Keys Values Description
barcodeRegexValidation JSON expression This is an advanced feature, please reach out to

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