
How can I configure Scandit Express to open by pressing the hardware button / key?

This feature is currently available via our support channel and only for Android devices. We will enable the hardware button for you.

  • Please reach out to us via the webform, specifying the following information. The device model (e.g. SM-G715U for Xcover Pro)
  • The email address of your Scandit account
  • Your target Scandit Express project
  • The desired button key code

Please note that every hardware button has a different key code. You can identify the key code with key code identifier apps available in the Play Store (such as KeyEvent Display).

Here are some common keycodes:

Device Button Key Code
Samsung XCover Extra Hardware Button 1015
Samsung XCover6 Pro Extra Hardware Button 1015

After the change has been applied to your configuration, please do not forget to reload Scandit Express configuration on the devices.(See How is an updated configuration distributed to the devices?)

Please note, to scan with the hardware button the input field has to be in focus (i.e. the keyboard needs to be open).

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