
What does "NotReadableError: Could not initialize camera correctly" mean?


Error description

The error "NotReadableError: Could not initialize camera correctly" is a spec compliant error thrown when webcam access is allowed but not possible.

Although the user granted permission to use the matching devices, a hardware error occurred at the operating system, browser, or Web page level which prevented access to the device.


Reasons and mitigation options

A possible reason can be that the camera is used by some other app or website in the background.

If it's an occasional issue, you can try to reboot the device and flush its RAM to make sure camera is fully released, then try again to run the scanner. 

In case the issue persists, please verify if you are able to get the camera video feed accessing our SDK for the Web demo website:

If it does not work as well for you, please try to access all available cameras via the WebRTC protocol by going to the following website: S

Please share a full log from the console with us and specify the device model, the OS version and the browser version with us under


Android WebView or iOS WKWebView

If you using our SDK for the Web library inside an Android WebView or iOS WKWebView, make sure your app has all needed camera access permission and requests for camera so that our library can access it within a WebView. 

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