
License Errors / Data Capture Context Status

How is an error displayed / reported?

What do the errors mean?


How is an error displayed / reported?

Error messages of the Scandit SDK are referring to the datacapture context status and they are

  • shown as overlay onto the camera preview once datacapture view is shown


  • reported as datacapture context status and are programmatically accessible via didChangeStatus() callback of the DataCaptureContextListener​, which can be added to the DataCaptureContext object with addListener() method
  • for the WebSDK, the context status is reported to the console logs

Based on the listener, a programmatic action can be taken, e.g. displaying your own message.

If there is an unclear reason for the error being thrown, please reach out to us and we'll support you in finding the root cause.




What do the errors mean?

Every error message contains a description already indicating the cause of the error.

A description of the various Errors / Datacapture Context Status can be found below (for the full list please check the documentation here):  


Error 2 - Internal Error

Something went wrong internally. Please send the error, device model and Scandit Data Capture SDK version through this contact form.


Error 5 - Inconsistent Image Data

The image data being fed to the recognizer is inconsistent. This is likely a device issue. Please send the error, device model and Scandit Data Capture SDK version through this contact form.


Error 6 - No Network Connection

You are using a test license of the Scandit Data Capture SDK which needs a network connection to scan. Please make sure the phone you are testing on is connected to the Internet (an intranet for example might not have a connection to the public Internet).


Error 9, Error 10, Error 11 - Validation Failed

The license key validation failed. Make sure you are using a valid license key and check your account for available device activations. If this doesn’t fix the problem, please send the error, device model and Scandit Data Capture SDK version through this contact form.


Error 12 - License Key Missing

No License key was set. Please set a valid license key when creating your SDCDataCaptureContext.


Error 13 - License Key Expired

The license key validation failed. Your license key has expired, please log into your account at and request an extension or contact support through this contact form.


Error 14 - Invalid Platform

The license key validation failed. Your license key does not include the platform you are using it on. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 15 - Invalid App ID

The license key validation failed. The identifier of your app does not match the license key’s app identifier. Please change the app identifier of your app or acquire a new license key that matches it.


Error 16 - Invalid Device

The license key validation failed. Your license key does not include support for this device. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 17 - Invalid SDK Version

The license key validation failed. Your license key does not include support for this SDK version. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 18 - Invalid License Key

The provided license key is invalid. Please set a valid license key when creating your SDCDataCaptureContext.


Error 19 - Device Activation Failed

The device activation failed. Please connect to the Internet and restart the app.


Error 20 - Time Exceeded

The device activation failed. The number of allowed days to use the SDK has exceeded. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 21 - Scans Exceeded

The device activation failed. The number of allowed scans was exceeded. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 22 - Mandatory Registration Not Completed

The registration of the device is mandatory and must be completed before the recognition context can be used. Please connect to the Internet and restart the app.


Error 23 - Invalid External ID

The Scandit SDK validation failed. The external ID does not match with the license key. Make sure you are setting the right external ID when creating your SDCDataCaptureContext or no external ID at all, if your license key is not meant for it.


Error 24 - Unlicensed Symbology Enabled

Your license does not include a symbology that was enabled through barcode capture or tracking settings. Please disable those symbologies or contact support through this contact form to request a license key containing these symbologies.


Error 25 - Unlicensed Video Resolution

Your license does not include the enabled resolution. Please set a different SDCVideoResolution or contact support through this contact form to request a license key with higher resolutions enabled.


Error 26 - Invalid License Key Version

Your license key’s version is not compatible with this SDK version. Please contact support through this contact form to request a different license key.


Error 1025 - Disposed Context

The data capture context has been disposed and can't be used anymore. Most likely, this is happening because a new context has been created, while the old context is still being used in some fashion. To solve this, you should no longer use the old context once you create a new one, or not re-create the context at all. Please read up on the data capture context to understand how exactly it behaves.


Error 1026 - Augmented Reality Features Disabled

Your license does not include Augmented Reality functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


1027 - OCR module for visual inspection zone scanning not found

Scanning visual inspection zone requires ScanditTextCaptureBase library.


Error 1028 - Conflicting Requirements

The added data capture modes have conflicting feature requirements and can't be used with the same context at the same time. Read up on the conflicting requirements at SDCDataCaptureContext.addMode:.


Error 1032 - Camera Authorization Required

The Scandit Data Capture SDK was unable to access the device’s camera. Check that your app has permissions to use the camera. In rare cases, it is possible that the camera is locked by another app or it is not functional because of some other reason – in such cases, restarting the phone helps.


Error 1040 - Id Capture Feature Disabled

Your license does not include Id Capture functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


1056 - Invalid Signature

Your license does not match the signature used to sign the binary.


1088 - Parser Feature Disabled

Your license does not include Parser functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


1152 - Parser for ID Capture Feature Disabled

Your license does not include ID Capture with Parser functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


1280 - Barcode for ID Capture Feature Disabled

Your license does not include ID Capture with Barcode Scanning functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


1536 - Barcode Feature Disabled

Your license does not include Barcode Scanning functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


2048 - OCR Disabled

Your license does not include OCR functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


3072 - Missing correct OCR License Key in ID Capture

Your license does not include the ID Capture with OCR functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


5120 - Barcode Selection Disabled

Your license does not include Barcode Selection functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


9216 - Barcode Tap Selection Disabled

Your license does not include Barcode Tap Selection functionality. Please contact support through this contact form if you would like to use this feature.


17408 - Selected settings have conflicting requirements and can't be used at the same time

Using Mrz and VIZ scanning is not supported currently.


33792 - OCR module for MRZ scanning not found

Scanning MRZ requires ScanditTextCapture library.


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